Our "How to..." page

to StoneSupply
"How To'' page.
Where you can
learn all about headstones,
and all about.. How to go about
Choosing one,
and Getting one.
and stuff.

to StoneSupply&Monument's
"How To" page.
where you can learn all about headstones
and how to go about getting one... and choosing one..
and stuff.

Introduction to Headstones 101
When suffering the loss of a loved one, the thought of buying a headstone can often be quite daunting and confusing. Choosing the right kind, from the right place, at the right price, the color, the design, the this, the that.. all can feel like an overwhelming burden, and we truly sympathize.
At Stone Supply & Monument, we enjoy turning it into a simple and painless experience, not an awkward, annoying task. Our friendly demeanor is warm and true, and we maintain a professional, respectful reverence, with just a dash of light-hearted kindness. 
As our artist likes to say, "They come in tearful and they leave cheerful" due to how delighted our customers become, when we take something they considered awful and dreadful, and turn it into something that's wonderful and peaceful, that finally brings closure.
We know you'll feel that heavy weight on your shoulders disappear, replaced with  a special kind of comfort. Like the one you get when you've finally cleaned out the attic and it really wasn't so bad, and now you can finally look out that window, at a new day. 
Where to begin.
Purchasing a headstone is something that a lot of us have never had to do before, and naturally we don't know how to go about it, or where to go to get it, or when to go and get it, what to do about it, or what to even do!
Where to begin!

at StoneSupply&Monument.

A family business, for over 30 years. 
So, we get it. 

We understand...

 that on top 
of the sadness, 
feeling confused, 
a bit discombobulated..
how stressful it is when there's already so much to do and take care of, and on top'a that, now ya gotta worry bout gettin a headstone!,.. Ugh!.

at StoneSupply&Monument.

A family business, for over 30 years. 
So, we get it. 

We understand.

 that on top of the sadness, 
feeling confused, 
a bit discombobulated..
how stressful it is when there's already so much to do and take care of, and on top'a that, now ya gotta worry bout gettin a headstone!,.. Ugh!.
And, if you're like most of us, you haven't ever had to before, so you're not really sure how to go about it, and ya really don't wanna deal with it right now,
 and ya really just
wanna call in sick and
go back to bed, cuz
you don't really know what to
even DO!
I know !,.   right?

we get it..
 and ya really just wanna call
in sick and go back to bed,
cuz you don't really know
what to even DO about it.
I know !,.   right?
we get it.

Get Yourself Ready

When you prepare to get a headstone, there's a few things that it's a good idea to find out or make sure of, if you don't already know.

First,      - Is the plot in a "Bronze Only" cemetery? 

If not,    - Is the plot in a "Flat Only" section?

If it's either of these, then now you know what type of stone to get, a bronze, or a flat granite.
If it's not, then you can basically get any type of stone you want, including a bronze or flat granite.

Of course, cemeteries do have their regulations and restrictions, like the size of the stone or the cement  around a flat, but we have all that on file here, and there aren't many restrictions on the basic things, like the shape or the color and so on, so we can move on.

Now there's one other thing you should think about, it's something that's been known to confuse a few folks, but it's actually not that scary, it's easy.

It's known as...

" The Facing " 
The Facing of a stone is all about two things:

A) which direction the front of the stone faces, East or West, and if it's a companion stone -
B)  ''Who's on whose side of Who?'' 

     Now there's a question most folks have never heard before, and of course they have no idea what it means, and if that means you, then that means I'm gonna tell ya.

You might already know what this means and if you do, you can skip ahead ...(click to skip) 
This is why you may want to familiarize yourself with the plot "situation", or, who's buried where.  You can call the cemetery, they'll be happy to help you. They can also tell you if they have any requirements about it, if not, then you can face the stone East or West.
Typically, or traditionally*, headstones are placed at the 'head' end of the grave (hence the name), and the front of the stone faces West. 

Why does it face West? 
I'll tell ya in a minute.*

Occasionally there will be something unusual about the plot situation or location that will affect this, like maybe the plots are in one of the first rows, on the west side of a road, and they all face East so you can see them from the road,.. Or maybe the mother wanted to be buried next to her mother.. 
but if you don't have any specific reason to face it East, 
then by all means, simply go West of course.
Okay!, That takes care of  '(A)'
We're moving right along..

Let's go to  'B)':
"Who's on Whose Side of Who?"

Who's with me!?

Now, take a breath, let it out, and settle in :-) 
because this is the part where a lotta folks get a bit mixed up and confused and it's a difficult, emotional time, and differing from one another, they start arguing, politely at first, but soon somebody feels insulted, someone else feels ignored, someone's not listening, somebody is starting to shout, and then someone starts throwing stuff, one of the kids is in shock and awe, another one is "totally" embarrassed and storms out, the quiet one is shaking their head and apologizes for their fami-.., oh-ohhh!, annd lil Stacy's got a black eye... yah, ... awk-warrrrd.

Without presuming that your family would resort to such behavior, 
let's play it safe and explain it here, now, and then we won't need any band-aids.
or therapy.
or restraining orders.

Who's ready?
Allrighty then!

B) Who's on whose side of who? 

It is also... traditionally typical, 
for the woman to be buried on the man's left. 

Why is she on his left? 
I'll tell ya,.. in a minute..* 

As he lies, he is... 'facing' .. eastward, were he to sit up. 

Why is he facing East? 
If ya just hold on for a minute.., 
I'll tell ya, 
.. in just a minute..* 

    The woman, being on his left, is in the northernmost plot, while the man, lying on her right, is in the south plot. 
Are you with me?
    Therefore, were we to view the finished stone, we would be standing, 'behind them', so to speak, at the west end of the plot, so as not to trample all over their resting place, and we are now looking, or,.. facing, (there's that word again) we are facing eastward, just like the couple, in order for us to gaze upon.. the stone,.. which, as you'll recall, is facing westward, facing us.. and thus.. the woman is on the left.
    or the North.
Depending on which way you look at it.

      HA! ..  
i'm kidding, that's not what it depends on.
   The only thing it depends on, is whether or not there was some specific reason, which the cemetery should know if you don't, perhaps the location of the plot is by a road,.. some reason for the stone to face east. 
So, it's quite unlikely. 
Not too typical. 
Unusually, non-traditional.* 
    Ok, but what if Mom & Dad were buried so that Mom could be where she wanted, next to Gramma... on her right... so that would be Gramma's left,.. and that puts her on the south side of Dad, but, Grandma is on the north side of Grandpa, which would be his left, so wouldn't that ... ok wait...
If everything went "normally" and it was a "traditional"* burial, then the stone's facing will also be "traditional"*, and traditionally*, that means
that the stone... 
are you ready?..

 "Faces West, Mother on the North".
Still a bit confused?
Don't be.. The cemetery will know where, why, and how the plots are sitting, if you don't already. Once you know the plot situation, 
you can choose  
which way the stone faces, in fact, in most cemeteries you can pretty much face it whichever way you want. 
Well, except maybe sideways.. !
..but you can face it West like 'normal' or face it East for a some reason. This, and whether the deceased were buried traditionally or not, are the two things that will determine,
"Who's on whose side of who" 
and thus, the dreaded "Facing" of the stone.
Now,.. that wasn't so bad was it?

Okay!..  so,. now, .. ya wanna know what all the   *'s are about? 
And all the 'why this?' and 'why that?' ? 

Wanna know where these traditions came from?

Well it's kinda interesting actually, but instead of putting the answers right here in the way of progress, ( and in the way of folks who'd rather just skip ahead ), let's just use a link, .. 

and travel to a place, .. far, far away, a different place, in a different world, in another time, a glorious time, when men were heroes and.. -

sorry!, okay okay, here...

there's another clicky thing there to make your way back.

I'll just be over here. 
there's another clicky thing  there
to make your way back.

I'll just be over here.
So, now that you got yourself a little more prepared, 
the next step is to...

Get some stuff ready.
         You don't need any records, or death certificates, or cemetery paperwork, etc. 
         What you will want to have with you, is:
  • Your imagination, so grab your creative cap and put it on.
  • Photos of other headstones you you like.
  • Photos or portraits that you want to use for a Porcelain Cameo.  ( to see our Porcelain page, click here, you'll see another link to come back. :-)
  • Any sketches of ideas you want to share. 
  • Any artwork, or drawings that maybe a family member made, we can incorporate them into the design.
  • Any poems, or song verses or other literary pieces you want to use.
Choosing a Memorial
Creating Your Monument
 Okay, so you've found out your plot situation, and whether you can have granite or bronze, you got stuff ready,
 you can come see us and get started,

or you can (Click here) or dial 801-690-0322 for a free home appointment with our artist.

Or you can also start right here, where we are, and learn all about the different types of stone, the endless variety of shapes & colors, then you could move on and see the rest of the site. Our Products page has info on everything, like available accessories to enhance your stone. The Headstone page will give you some more detail about some more stone types. And of course there's the Gallery of Galleries, where you can look at tons of photos of stones and colors, just the thing if you need some ideas for your own design.

So here we are,  if you're still here, We're almost done, One last venture into the different types of stones and other memorials, so you can start picking favorites, and learn some cool stuff along the way. 

Sound good? Shall we press on?

Let's do this.
How bout we start 
by looking at the various types of memorials - Granite, Bronze, Natural Stone, etc. and then we'll look at some different shapes. 

As you probably know,
there's quite a wide variety
to select from for your memorial. From the classic upright monument, to the rugged, rustic look and feel of a natural stone, you can even have a Granite Bench, to sit on, for a headstone!
How cool is that!

 You may even decide on a shape of your own design, and we can do that too. Bring in a sketch, or just describe your idea to our artist, he'll draw up a draft, and once you approve it, we'll order it. You could even email him the info and sketches, and he'll send you a proof back.

So for now, let's have a look at the usual suspects, and then we'll see some that are a little more stylish and customized.
How bout we start 
by looking at the various types of memorials - Granite, Bronze, Natural Stone, etc. and then we'll look at some different shapes. 

As you probably know, there's quite a wide variety to select from for your memorial. From the classic upright monument, to the rugged, rustic look and feel of a natural stone. You can even have a Granite Bench, to sit on, for a headstone!
How cool is that!

 You may even decide on a shape of your own design, and we can do that too. Bring in a sketch, or just describe your idea to our artist, he'll draw up a draft, and once you approve it, we'll order it. You could even email him the info and sketches, and he'll send you a proof back.

So for now, let's have a look at the usual suspects, and then we'll see some that are a little more stylish and customized.
Click here to email the artist
Okay, let's have a look.
They come in many styles, either with legs, or a single  pedestal, etc,. They are quite versatile, giving you added spaces to put names or maybe a poem on the seat.

They come in many styles, either with legs, or a single  pedestal, etc,. They are quite versatile, giving you added spaces to put names or maybe a poem on the seat.
Special Shapes.
Uprights can come in some not-so-common shapes, that all have their own special flare. These can be easily ordered and arrive reasonably quick, since they are usually in stock at the quarries.
Special Shapes.
Uprights can come in some not-so-common shapes, that all have their own special flare. These can be easily ordered and arrive reasonably quick, since they are usually in stock at the quarries.
Personalized Custom Shapes
These are completely unique, personalized specifically by the customer's imagination, and our artist's pencil and programs. The schematic draft is sent to the quarry where they have their artist draw it up, and send us a proof right back, showing his understanding of our drawings, plus any small tweaks that they deem necessary. If the proof looks good, and we get your approval, they produce it and deliver it usually in about 60-90 days. 
Amazing Choices in Color

     When it comes to hidden beauty, Mother Nature & Father Time really outdid themselves when they put their heads together and came up with a little thing called granite. As ugly as dirt in it's natural form, but when polished, a world of color is revealed in it's crystals.

     Since the earth's crust is made of mostly granite, there are quarries around the globe, producing an amazing variety of colors. 

     From Georgia and Minnesota quarries over 100 years old we get our classic standard Grey. 

    Blue Pearl granite, laden with it's brilliant crystals, comes from Norway. 

    From another side of the globe in India and Africa, the luxurious Jet Black granite comes with such a glossy polish, it reflects like a mirror. 

     There's no limit to the beautiful choices available. We stock a wide variety in our inventory, and can quickly order anything else from our partners in quarries that can cut a custom shape and ship it here in a matter of weeks. 
Amazing Choice of Color
 When it comes to hidden beauty, Mother Nature & Father Time really outdid themselves when they put their heads together and came up with a little thing called granite. As ugly as dirt in it's natural form, but when polished, a world of color is revealed in it's crystals.

     Since the earth's crust is made of mostly granite, there are quarries around the globe, producing an amazing variety of colors. 

     From Georgia and Minnesota quarries over 100 years old we get our standard Civil Grey. 

    Blue Pearl granite, laden with it's brilliant crystals, comes from Norway. 

    From another side of the globe in India and Africa, the luxurious Jet Black granite comes with such a glossy polish, it reflects like a mirror. 

     There's no limit to the beautiful choices available. We stock a wide variety in our inventory, and can quickly order anything else from our partners in quarries that can cut a custom shape and ship it here in a matter of weeks. 
Sand and silt in the water of this zillion year old geyser naturally polished the Blue Pearl granite walls.
In India, Granite blocks the size of my apartment wait to be transported.
Enormous saws cut out enormous blocks transported by enormous trucks to an enormous building for enormous fabrication.
In quarries like this one in Zimbabwe, black granite looks grey before being polished. 
Stand at the right angle, and polished Jet Black Granite reflects like a mirror.
Domestic Granite 
Imported Granite 
Choosing & Creating Your Design
If you want to go simple, and stay with the old, time honored traditional look. You can choose from 100's of classic designs, or combine parts of different ones, as a starting point from which to add your own personal touch.
    For a truly unique memorial, you can sit with our amazing artist, who has over 25 years experience designing and crafting headstones. Bring your ideas, your fond memories, great stories, along with photos or sketches, anything, and watch the screen as he transforms them into a truly unique and personalized memorial. You may even get him to draw something... with a pencil even!
    You'll be able to see it in real-time, and get a free print-out of exactly what your stone will look like when it's finished and in place. You can take it home and show it to the rest of the family for their opinion, and make changes if ya want. It's truly extraordinary to be able to sit and watch your ideas come to life, done right before your eyes. 
and done before lunch! 
Well.. you may have done all you can here, all that's left now is to come on in and design it, and make it official. 
You can also make a free home appointment with our artist.
You can click here to call us, or dial 
801-690-0322, to get a free estimate. 
Either way, you're at the fun part now! 
If, you know, 
there was  a fun part of 
getting a headstone, then, 
designing would be it.

So.. you're all set now.
 I hope you enjoyed our little tutorial, maybe you had a little fun along the way. 
Hope you got some answers. 
And that's it for me, I gotta go, but check out that last box, it has some great info.

Ya know what?
If you made it this far, then just for suffering through it all, I'm gonna reward ya!
When you come in, mention this  "How To"  page and you'll get 5% off your stone.
How's that!
Take care!

All Monuments Include:

Custom stone designs. 
        Choose from classic icons, specific images, or create a uniquely personal image. (Dad's old truck, your favorite mountain campsite, anything.)

All lettering on the front. 
        Only limited by the size of stone, and your imagination. (A small charge for lettering or design on the back.)

Unlimited time with our artist 
         to collaborate on your design, in office or at-home appointments.

Delivery & Installation 
        When permitted by cemetery.

Cement border 
         Flat stones come with a "mow-strip", of cement, adhering to the stone, and the cemetery's regulations.

5 Year Reset Guarantee 
        Covers stone shifting/movement or ground settling.

Your consultation is free
Unlimited time with our artist is free
Home appointments with our Artist are free
Designs are free
Customized designs are free
A print-out of your stone design is free
Design changes are free
Delivery is free
Installation is free. 
and we're still the best price!
All Monuments Include:

Custom designs. 
        Choose from classic icons, specific images, or create a uniquely personal image. (Dad's old truck, your favorite mountain campsite, anything.)

All lettering on the front. 
        Only limited by the size of stone, and your imagination. (A small charge for lettering or design on the back.)

Unlimited time with our artist 
         to collaborate on your design, in our office or an at-home appointment.

Delivery & Installation 
        When permitted by cemetery.

Cement border 
         Flat stones come with a "mow-strip", of cement, adhering to the stone, and the cemetery's regulations.

5 Year Reset Guarantee 
        Covers stone shifting/movement or ground settling.

Your consultation is free
Unlimited time with our artist is free
Home appointments with our Artist are free
Designs are free
Customized designs are free
A print-out of your stone design is free
Design changes are free
Delivery is free
Installation is free
and we're still the best price!
Click here or Call 801-690-0322 for a free home appointment. Click here or Call 801-690-0322 for a free home appointment.
Cemetery  Regulations

     It's quite likely that your cemetery charges a 'setting fee', to cover maintenance, perpetual care, etc. The fee amount varies with each cemetery.
     Every cemetery has it's own regulations, and we have the information on most of them. Still, before choosing or buying a stone, you may want to check with your cemetery about any specific regulations they may have regarding types and sizes of headstones allowed, acceptable accessories, etc.
     As long as your memorial meets their specifications, they cannot refuse acceptance of your memorial.

Common Cemetery Regulations may include:

  • Restrictions on size. Most single plots are 40 inches wide and your stone, including base and cement pad cannot exceed the limit.
  • Acceptable headstone material for maintenance reasons.
  • Whether porcelain portraits are allowed on a stone's surface.
  • Whether vases are allowed or what kind are.
  • Restrictions on added accessories such as shepherd hooks.
  • Catholic cemeteries often require religious designs on headstones.
don't cheat and scroll ahead, there's nothin down there
North & South
East & West
   Nowadays, folks are typically buried lying East to West, with their heads on the West, mostly due to an old Christian custom based on the tenet that when Christ returns again He will raise the dead.
    Lying this way, when they rise, to sit up and stand, they would be facing Him, not with their backs turned.
    That would be incredibly rude.  
I'm sure this nice couple here must have already greeted Him, before turning around to grab the kids at the gravesite.
     A headstone sits at the head of the plot, hence the name, or they would've been called 'footstones' all this time! It sits facing West, because long ago it was, and still is by many, considered disrespectful or offensive to stand on or trample about over someone's grave.
    If it faces west, you can view the stone easily and closely, when standing between it- and the grave of the person buried in the row behind you.
Might is Right
Left is for Girls

   Usually, the woman is buried on the man's left. This is akin to how the couple was married, which likely goes back to an ancient time when noblemen had to stray outside the castle walls, in neighboring villages, if he wanted to find a bride he wasn't related to! Sometimes welcomed, but more often not, as the noble class was looked upon with scorn. 
   So, brides-to-be were essentially kidnapped quite often. Whether or not he had the time or the desire to first capture a girl's heart, he would still have to literally capture the girl!, and steal her away from an angry father.
    Add to that one very protective family plus the supporting cast of an entire village, and our hero's got a busy day ahead. 
     Nowthen, a nobleman's right hand was his fighting hand, his arm carried his sword, which he would need for fending off an angry mob or even other brazen suitors trying to steal the damsel away. His left hand would be used to hold her tight and away from danger. 
       Over time this became the stuff of tales and legends, of men brutally fighting and even killing, to keep his lady's hand. Through the years this became ritualized by the noble class, who commonly staged mock battles as prenuptial entertainment, where honorable bachelors would go to the sword, and dual for a chance at winning a lady's hand in marriage. 
   Perhaps the original 
"trophy wives". 
    A less violent violent, but just as romantic reason for the custom to stick, was based on the notion that a man's heart is on his left, and so at the wedding, she stands "under his heart". 
    Over the ages, staying on a man's left in public grew to be customary, and later became a favorite tradition for people getting married, and by extension, how they placed their bodies at death. 
    Thus, to this day, couples are "buried like they were married."

   And they All lived happily ever after. 
to go back to 
Getting Stuff Ready.
Traditionally Speaking...
    Nowadays, folks are typically buried lying East to West, with their heads on the West, mostly due to an old Christian custom based on the tenet that when Christ returns again He will raise the dead.
    Lying this way, when they rise, to sit up and stand, they would be facing Him, not with their backs turned.

    That would be incredibly rude.  
I'm sure this nice couple here must have already greeted Him, before turning around to grab the kids at the gravesite.
     A headstone sits at the head of the plot, hence the name, or they would've been called 'footstones' all this time! It sits facing West, because long ago it was, and still is by many, considered disrespectful or offensive to stand on or trample about over someone's grave.
    If it faces west, you can view the stone easily and closely, when standing between it- and the grave of the fellow buried in the row behind you.
Right is Might
Left is for Girls

   Usually, the woman is buried on the man's left. This is akin to how the couple was married, which likely goes back to an ancient time when noblemen had to stray outside the castle walls, in neighboring villages, in order to find a bride he wasn't related to! Sometimes welcomed, but more often not, as the noble class was looked upon with scorn. 
   So, brides-to-be were essentially kidnapped quite often. Whether or not he had the time or the desire to first capture a girl's heart, he would still have to literally capture the girl!, and steal her away from an angry father. 

    Add to that one very protective family plus the supporting cast of an entire village, and our hero's got a busy day ahead.


     Nowthen, a nobleman's right hand was his fighting hand, his arm carried his sword, which he would need for fending off an angry mob or even other brazen suitors trying to steal the damsel away. His left hand would be used to hold her tight and away from danger. 

       Over time this became the stuff of tales and legends, of men brutally fighting and even killing, to keep his lady's hand. Through the years this became ritualized by the noble class, who commonly staged mock battles as prenuptial entertainment, where honorable bachelors would go to the sword, and dual for a chance at winning a lady's hand in marriage. 

     The original ''trophy wives".

    A less violent violent, but just as romantic reason for the custom to stick, was based on the notion that a man's heart is on his left, and so at the wedding, she stands "under his heart".

    Over the ages, keeping to a man's left in public grew to be customary, and later became a favorite tradition for people getting married, and by extension, how they placed their bodies at death.
    Thus, to this day, couples are "buried like they were married."

   And they all lived happily ever after. 

Did You Know...

You can actually get a headstone or a rock sign ordered and designed without having to leave your home, and without having to clean the house for a home appointment. :-)
It's easy, especially now that you've graduated from the "How To" page, Headstones 101, you'll know more about it and how to fill out the little form below.

Our artist will use it to do a preliminary design of your stone. He'll send you a mock-up, you can make changes, and once it's all good, you can make a down payment, and your stone is in line for production. 

And remember, when you pay in full, you'll get 5% off !

Begin by simply filling out the form below, and our artist will drop everything to answer you.

* The Facing... If you're unsure about this, you can learn all about it and much more at our "How To..." page,  just under the 'Home' tab.

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There's more!..

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